in October, we had decided to create a zine about public space, documenting specific actions we had done in the city, such as graffiti, guerilla theatre, and culture jamming. we also wanted to incorporate details about how to do these things yourself. from the beginning, we were seeking to empower ourselves, as well as those who would read the zine. the strike began shortly after that. we did not meet in the three-month period, as other things became more important. the project had inspired something in me, because i have always been interested in issues of public space, and have previously participated in guerilla theatre and culture jamming. i had never done graffiti in my life, although i have been increasingly interested in it as an art form and cultural commentary. the thought of drawing in public and performing illegal activity terrified me. i decided to try it out and photograph my work to include it in the zine. my first attempts were shoddy and i was not pleased with most of the work i created. as i got more comfortable, i started to develop a style. i also had to adapt to the colder weather. spray paint cans do not fare well in the cold, and it is necessary to work fast in these conditions. i opted for a black permanent marker and started to draw on more unusual surfaces. now, i draw everyday. i use it to connect to the places and people around me.
the writing process was both individual and collective. we wrote pieces reflecting our own ideas and thoughts of empowerment. we also had a writing session where we wrote in a stream of consciousness style, passing our writing around after five minutes so that someone else could continue writing where the other had left off. we did this for a few hours, with very positive results. everyone wrote with passion and fervour. we merged these writings in one long dialogue, split up amongst ourselves to give the impression of many voices talking in one person’s head. to ensure that the audience would feel this way, we decided to have everyone walking in a tight space, like sheep being herded around with no direction. we would walk amongst them so that they could not be certain where the voices were coming from.
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